GOBA’s officers and committee members are elected at the AGM, normally held in April each year. Other committee members may be co-opted by the existing committee during the year in order to fill vacancies or take on new rôles. Co-opted members are normally elected formally at the following AGM. Below is an introduction to the current Committee:

Mary Pryor
Mary has rowed, sailed & motored the Ouse system since her teens. A GOBA member for many years she joined the committee in 2015. Mary has worked as a volunteer lock keeper at Denver for three years.

David Riley
Our new Treasurer, David Riley, says he’s relative novice to boating, with a Viking 23 berthed up at Bromholme Lane Marina.
“My family and I love pottering around between St. Neots and St. Ives and moor up at all the GOBA moorings en route and can usually be seen on the river at weekends between March and October and on some long summer weekday evenings. “

Jennifer Spencer

Lawrence Hill
Lawrence is a Master Mariner who served with the Shell Fleet plus Coal/Ore ships. He came ashore in the Mid-80’s and moved in to the IT industry, retiring in 2020. He has15 years experience on the Great Ouse and joined GOBA committee in 2019. First contact for members and those wishing to join.

Robbie Hodgson
Moorings (Upstream)

Michael Lazarus
Legal Advisor
Michael joined GOBA in 2000 and has been boating on the Great Ouse with his family since then. He has been a member of the Committee since 2018.

Faith Stanhope
GobaNews Editor

Membership Secretary
Could this be you? GOBA is looking for a Membership Secretary. For more details, please get in touch

Mike Starnes
EA Liaison
Mike has been boating for nearly 60 years since his Dad bought a Seamaster 25 (Blue Omega) in 1966. Initially his boating was on the Thames but Mike moved to the Gt Ouse in 1990 and has been enjoying the benefits of GOBA membership for 30 years. When Mike isn’t working on Blue Omega (still the original boat his dad bought) you can find him tinkering with his 1974 MG Midget. Currently Mike’s role on the committee is liaising with the EA to encourage improvements in their service delivery. Mike’s career was as a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer working on infrastructure construction and maintenance for MOD at home and abroad

Greg Veit
Greg has many interests ranging from blacksmithing and woodworking, through to boating. He runs a local Men’s Shed charity called Sheddit and also runs a webhosting company. When he’s not busy with all this you can find him tinkering on this website.

Tony Baker
Social Media Secretary