(The Not Dead Yet Tour)
Around the end of May 2023, or early June, former GOBA Committee member Phil Thane and trusty sidekick Gareth Allison will be setting off on a grand tour of the English canals taking in Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire. Not to mention several cities and dozens of towns. You can view the intended route here (https://pthane.weebly.com/uploads/2/4/7/9/24791606/tripmap23_orig.png) though it’s subject to change.

Both Phil and Gareth are cancer patients. Phil’s tongue and prostate have been treated and are (probably) OK. Gareth was diagnosed with a blood cancer many years ago which has spread and isn’t curable but thanks to a selection box of drugs and many hospital treatments he’s still alive and kicking.
Given the state of the ‘crew’ we’re calling the Not Dead Yet Tour.

During treatment and rehab Phil has been helped by a local charity, Above & Beyond Cancer Foundation ( https://www.above-beyond.org.uk/) which operates in Cambs and Beds.
Above & Beyond was founded in October 2012 by two cancer survivors, Karen and Jayne who became friends after both were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. They both found it helpful to be able to talk with others who had gone through cancer. They share a passion in helping those with cancer regain a sense of control and hope and in 2013 Above & Beyond was formed.
In July 2017, Above & Beyond, became officially known as Above & Beyond Cancer Foundation and gained official charity status with the Charities Commission.
A&B don’t provide any treatment, conventional or alternative, and they strongly recommend that patients follow the advice of their oncologist. They offer 1 to 1 personal support through personal experience. They do this by bringing support to the patient and not the other way round. This is met by meeting at local coffee shops, garden centres or if there are mobility issues their own home. They also offer signposting and resources within the local community, as well as providing and funding holistic treatments and event.
A&B refuses donations/payment from the people it helps but does accept donations from others, so Phil has set up a ‘GoFundMe page here (https://www.gofundme.com/f/above-beyond-ndyt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email%2B2300-co-team-welcome)
Phil and Gareth will blog the trip, daily if possible, here: https://pthane.weebly.com/blog You can track their progress here: https://pthane.weebly.com/tracking-seren.html
Please check out Above & Beyond here: https://www.above-beyond.org.uk/ And PLEASE donate. Thank you.